999 is the number to call when you want to contact the police in an EMERGENCY.
Dial 999 if:
- You need an immediate response because a crime is in progress or you think it is
- You or someone else is injured or there is a threat to life
- A serious road traffic collision has taken place
- Violence is being used or threatened
This list should be used as a guide and is not a definitive list.
101 is the new number to call when you want to contact the police - when it's less urgent than 999. In a non emergency, dial 101 if:
- Yyou want to report a crime/issue that does not require an immediate emergency response
- You or someone else are not in immediate danger
- You would like to speak to your local police officer
- You want to provide information about a crime
If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired you can textphone 18001 101 in a non emergency.